Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery
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Mission Statement

Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery, Wadsworth Ohio seeks to enhance the aesthetic, historic, and educational features within the cemetery; to honor the final resting places for loved ones; and afford a reflective, welcoming space for the entire community.

Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery Fundraiser

Headstone Cleaning

Using safe, approved methods by trained members of FWC




Call 330-485-4200 for Headstone Cleaning

Master Plan and 2021-2022 Accomplishments

Click here for a PDF of the Friends Of Woodlawn Cemetery Master Plan 2022-2023

Click here for a Word Document of the Friends Of Woodlawn Cemetery Accomplishments 2021-2022

Veteran Burial Identification Project

Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery completed research on all veterans buried in the cemetery. The results were published in these schedules. In addition, small stickers were attached to all granite markers to aid in the placing of US flags for the period between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Click here to download an Excel Spreadsheet of Veteran Burial Locations

Search our Interment Records

Enter a part of a name, date or location and hit the [enter] key.

Name section row space Year Interment Date SR # Deed #
Agard, Alvin ? 1837
Agard, Benjamin ? 1838
Allen, Abraham W. ? 1841
Agard, Lucina ? 1843
Agard, Rhoda O W C 1846
Agard, Roman ? 1846
Aldrich, Roswell O W S 1852
Armstrong, Harriett O W S 1856
Allen, Marye ? ?
Andrews, Ossienh O E S 1861
Andrews, Charity O E S 1866
Andrews, May Belle O W S 1867
Andrews, Edwards ? 1868
Auble, Grace Madalyn 22 51 NH 6 1907
Anda, Caroline O E S 1871
Auble, Daniel BL3 28 4 1872
Anderton, John 11 36 SH 3 ?
Auble, John B3 19 2 ?
Auble, Susan B3 19 1 1887
Armstrong, John 2 1 WH 6 1887

The original Woodlawn burial register from 1817 through 1973 has been digitized and is available through the link below hosted by the Cleveland Public Library

Woodlawn Cemetery Ledger - Cleveland History - Cleveland Public Library Digital Gallery (

Old Grounds Restoration Activities

Our restoration activities in the Old Grounds are ongoing. Here are before and after pictures of the Beach Family Plot. These historically important family headstones had been lying prone for decades.



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